5 Tips To Look Younger

5 Tips To Look Younger

Who doesn’t wants to look & feel young in this fast-growing busy world full of work and commitments, yes you can look younger than your age by making a few lifestyle changes that will help you in long run. There is no right time to implement these changes, the only right time is to begin it now as you cannot go back in the time which has already been passed.

Here are 5 tips that will help you look younger than your age:

1) Consume Antioxidants:
Antioxidants play an important role as best friends inside our bodies as they help us to fight against inflammation and damage in our human body. Apart from this antioxidants also guard us against deadly diseases like diabetes, cancer, and many more.
Some common food items rich in antioxidants can be blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, & dark chocolate, just ensure to consume them in the right quantities. 

2) Stay Hydrated: Dehydration generally occurs before you even feel thirsty, so it is very important to drink an adequate amount of water daily which should be at least 4 to 5 liters for an adult. Water plays an important role which ensures that the bad toxins of the body get flushed out, and the internal organs can work properly.
You may add lemon and honey to your water once every day to enhance the taste and the benefits associated with it. 

3) Regular Exercise: In today’s busy world we see our life just associated with digital gadgets like smartphones, laptops, PC and they are making getting things done more easier for us which is also making us lazy. In the ancient era, we used to do a lot of physical activity like walking, cycling, getting water from the wells, etc, so we used to stay more fit. Since these things have disappeared so we need to have a hobby that will help us stay fit which can be anything yoga, Gym, meditation, dancing, Zumba, etc. 

4) Eat Nutritious Food: Seasonal fruit and vegetable is always a good option to consume a nutritional and balanced diet, just ensure that you eat the food item in small quantities and right interval of time which will enhance your digestion and you will not crave for junk food. Try to avoid junk food as much as possible, and if you still crave delicious food try to go for healthier food options and even you can prepare delicious in your kitchen to count the calory intake. Try to consume fruits like banana, apple, and citrus fruits or you may consult a good dietician if you want to be double sure.  

5) Get Enough Sleep:
Getting the right amount of sleep is very important, rather than how busy your schedule is you should never cut your sleep time and you should always get quality sleep otherwise you may witness dark circles under your eyes. According to the latest research, the best time to sleep is between 10 pm to 5 am so try to take your sleep in between.