Why has everyone increased in using earphones?
The new normal era in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of life. In this corona period, all the people whether they are adults or children are using digital media and electronic items for prolonged indefinite hours. Whether it is calling by earphones, students taking online classes for hours by putting on headphones,s or adults having their office meetings. From this, we come to know how these electronic items have subdued humans, and we can say that earphones have become an integral part of our life.
6 Surprising Diseases Associated While Using Earphones
- NIHL (NOISE-INDUCED HEARING LOSS) -: If a person is exposed to loud sounds this hearing impairment takes place. NIHL is caused by a one-time intense “impulse” sound. It can be an explosion or exposure to loud sounds for a long period of time. It may also include snowmobile riding, listening to mp3 players at high volume.
- Tinnitus -: In this hearing impairment, a person experiences ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in one or both ears that might come and go or may be constant.
- Hearing loss -: Listening to loud music in earphones or speakers (MORE THAN 85-90 DECIBELS) for a long period of time or daily may lead to hearing loss. The loss may be temporary or might be permanent.
- Ear infection -: Ear infections are becoming very common in today’s world, as people are using earphones for a long period of time that results in the enhancement of bacteria growth. And people also share earphones which also lead to the transfer of other person bacteria to your ears.
- Numbness in ears -: This may occur when a person is exposed to loud music or noise for a long period of time. This may lead to a muffled hearing.
- Dizziness -: If you listen to music on earphones loudly or you talk through earphones for long hours then, you should limit its usage, as it increases the pressure in the ear canal. And you feel dizzy.
Side effects of using headphones/earphones for prolonged hours:
- Unwanted sounds-: A person may hear ringing, buzzing, roaring, hissing sounds in the ears.
- Impact on the brain -: Research has proven that listening to loud music on earphones/headphones damages the nerve cells and has the same effect on nerves as multiple sclerosis.
- Difficulty in understanding speech -: May gets difficulty in understanding the speech in noisy or chaotic places or places with poor acoustics.
- Hearing loss -: Listening to radio or television at a higher volume than in the past.
- Muffled sound -: (A sound that is very quiet or not clear) and a feeling that your ear is plugged.
- Ear pain -: Ear pain can occur when you are using bad quality earphones, or if you are using earphones for a long time. Doing so can cause pain and soreness in the inner ear.
Tips to prevent hearing damage -:
- Avoid high volume –: The first tip is to not keep the volume very high.
- Use earphones frequently –: Restrict your exposure to loud noise as well as the duration.
- Keep sanitizing -: Regularly sanitize your earphones/headphones to stop a build-up of bacteria, sweat, and shed skin.
- Do not use earphones while traveling -: Avoid using earphones while traveling on public transports like buses, trains, etc as it adds the decibel level due to surrounding sound.
- 60/60 Rule -: Follow the 60/60 rule (turn your device volume up to 60% and listen for not more than 60 minutes per day).