8 Tips for skincare during Summers

8 Tips for skincare during Summers

Summers are the best time in every one’s life. We can’t forget the lovely summer holidays during the school time. People tend to spend a lot of time out, enjoying summers, however, somebody has to pay the cost and unfortunately it is your own skin. Heavy sun rays has adverse effects on your skin. It can lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, marks, dry skin, and even skin cancer over a period of time. Here are a few tips which you can follow and ensure that your skin does not gets damaged while you still enjoy during the summers:

  1. Avoid the hottest duration under the sun: Though the sun is said to be a good source of Vitamin D, but only when you come in contact of its rays before 11 AM. Time between 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM is said to be the hottest duration to be out in sun. Avoid being under the sun during this time. Avoid your kids to be out during this time. This might change as per the latitude of your location.
  2. Good Sunscreen: Use a good sunscreen lotion before you step out in sun. Don’t only apply on face, but also apply on your entire exposed body nicely and in good quantity. Before selecting a sunscreen, do your proper study about the different sun screens available in the market. Don’t just go for the price and the smell, check the chemical combinations present in the sun screens.
  3. Protective Clothes: If you have to still be out during the hottest times, ensure that you wear good covered clothes in order to ensure that you avoid coming in direct contact with sunlight. Do the same with your kids. Avoid wearing dark colors like black, dark blues as they absorb heat. Select clothes that are not itchy or overheat you. Nowadays you even get clothes with UV Protection ratings. Follow that if possible. Wear a hat.
  4. Protect your eyes: Eyes are the most important part of a human body and they also get affected by the sun rays. Use good UV protection sun glasses when you step out in sun. This will not only protect your skin but will also take care of the sensitive skin around your eyes which is more prone to aging.
  5. Using Perfumes: Use perfumes on your clothes rather than your skin. Perfumes directly on the skin can cause rashes and can worsen if you come in direct contact with sun.
  6. Swimming: Rinse your body properly after swimming. The chlorine present in water is not at all good for skin. Immediately after swimming take a bath and try using a good sunscreen before you get into the pool.
  7. Drink plenty of water: Sun Rays dehydrates your body. Drink plenty of water to ensure that you keep your body hydrated and thus the skin.
  8. Eat healthy food: Your skin also shows up what you eat. Eat healthy food to ensure that you have the natural glow on your skin. Avoid junk food and sugary drinks and add vegetables, fruits and cereals to your diet. Also include nuts inorder to keep your skin healthy.

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