How To Increase Immunity?

How To Increase Immunity?

Immunity plays an important role in the human body. In this article, we are trying to talk about how to increase immunity.

How does Immunity work?

  • The immune system plays a crucial role in our bodies.
  • It acts as a guard for protecting our bodies from Micro-organisms which may cause us a disease.
  • In cases where people have weak immune systems, they are more prone to diseases and infections.

Quick Tips To Building Our Immune System

  • We can improve our Immune system by making some changes in our lifestyle and diet.
  • The immune system is not a single entity but a balanced system, thus improving it is essential for us and it will help us to stay away from diseases.
  • There are a lot of things which revolve around this and could be a reason like an Exercise, Age, Lifestyle & Stress. Some Basis changes for healthy living include:

Healthy Diet

  • Diet plays an important role in building your immunity.
  • You need to ensure that you eat the right mix of fruits and vegetables every day.
  • Food rich in Vitamin C like all citrus fruits – oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale, and broccoli help increases immunity. People who fail to include Vitamin C in their daily diet are more prone to falling sick.
  • Food rich in Vitamin E like nuts, seeds, and spinach plays an important role in boosting your immunity.
  • Food rich in Vitamin B6: The other vitamin that helps you increase immunity is Vitamin B6 which can be easily found in green leafy vegetables, wholegrain cereals, such as oatmeal, wheat germ, and brown rice, beans, etc.

Stay Hydrated

  • Hydration is always the best way to make your various organs function perfectly.
  • Try to drink enough fluids throughout the day.
  • If you do not feel the urge to drink water frequently, you should follow a time table to do that.
  • There are various apps available on the internet that can help you drink water frequently.
  • To keep yourself hydrated, water plays an important role. It is free from any added sugars and is calorie-free.
  • In case you like to drink juice/tea, limit its intake as that can lead to future problems like high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • You can instead consider drinking warm water 2-3 times a day.

Exercise Regularly

  • Follow a regular exercise routine.
  • This will help you stay fit and maintain good body weight and shape.
  • Exercise should always be done in a moderate way.
  • If you have never exercised before, you may want to start with a simple walk.
  • The other forms of exercise which have good results on your body are brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.
  • However, always keep a check on your heart rate and keep yourself more hydrated.
  • Here are a few Quick Weight Loss Tips

Avoid Added Sugar

  • The daily food with no added sugar already has natural sugar which our body has to digest.
  • Our body produces insulin which helps in digesting the sugar from the food we eat.
  • Added sugar only makes it worse. It is not at all good for our health.
  • It can lead to heart diseases and type 2 diabetes which further weakens your immune system.
  • People often don’t consider it while snacking.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

  • It is important to maintain a healthy weight. To do that the first two simple things are first to eat right and secondly to exercise.
  • Try to eat small meals instead of three big ones. If you are fond of eating between the meals, shift your snacking habits from junk to healthy things.
  • Some of the healthy snacking options can be nuts, fruit strips, yogurt, roasted gram, peanuts, fruits, etc.
  • You should also consider eating fiber-rich food as that helps to clear the intestines properly.

Avoid Smoking / Drinking

  • Say No to smoking and drinking. Whenever there is an infection in the air, it affects people who smoke and drink more than anyone else.
  • You should say no to smoking as well as drinking as it only takes your immune system down.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

  • You should consider maintaining good hygiene in your daily life.
  • It includes washing hands regularly.
  • Washing fruits, vegetables, and pulses thoroughly before cooking or eating.
  • Do not eat in dirty places.
  • Drink clean water.

Get Enough Sleep

  • Adequate sleep is directly related to your immune system.
  • To boost your immunity, it is important that your body gets enough rest.
  • It is correctly said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”