Health Benefits Of Papaya For Babies

Health Benefits Of Papaya For Babies

Papaya is one of the nutritious fruits which you must include in your child’s diet. Below are a few health benefits of papaya for babies.

A papaya is a good option if you are starting semi-solid food to your baby after 6 months.

It is important to note, that babies should be introduced to one food at a time, in smaller quantities.

Observe for any allergic reactions and speak to a pediatrician for any concerns.

Health benefits of papaya for babies

1. Improves Digestion:

You can improve his digestion if you feed your baby regularly with 2-3 ounce of papaya.

It contains papain, an enzyme that effectively breaks down complex food structures. 

2. Supply of Essential Vitamins and Minerals: 

Papaya contains various vitamins and minerals which make it a must-have for children and even infants under the age of 1 year.

These nutrients are essential for bone development, brain development, immune development, and the development of the whole body.

3. Boosts Immunity:

A child’s immunity is a major area of concern for parents as it is not as strong as that of adults.

Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and fights against microbes invading the body. 

4. Heals Skin Sores/ Controls skin ulcers:

Papaya helps protect skin from burns, ulcers, and sores as it is rich in Vitamin A.

It can be topically applied to your baby’s skin to reduce the burning sensation.

However, in case of babies it is always advisable to consult a doctor before doing anything yourself.

5. Aids Metabolism:

Folate in Papaya helps in converting homocysteine into amino acids.

Homocysteine can damage the walls of blood vessels and lead to a stroke.

Papaya can protect your baby from potential cardiovascular diseases in the future. 

6. Cures Constipation:

Try feeding your baby with 2-3 ounce of mashed papaya twice a day if your baby is suffering from constipation.

Being rich in fiber and natural laxative, it can help regulate the baby’s bowel movement.

7. Eliminates Intestinal Worms/ Anthelmintic properties:

Infants and children are usually infected with parasitic worms in the intestine.

Consuming two spoons of papaya seed powder with honey daily can help your baby get rid of intestinal worms.

This is not recommended for babies less than a year old. 

8. Prevention and Remedies for Various Diseases: 

Papaya contains numerous vitamins, minerals and the active biochemical which makes it one of the best fruits for your child’s health: 

Vitamin AGood eyesight, decreases the chances of developing night blindness, removal of growth disorders, etc.
Thiamin or vitamin BStrengthens heart muscles, intestinal muscles, and skeletal muscles.
RiboflavinProper brain development by strengthening of nerve cells.
Niacin or vitamin B3Formation of new cells, repair of old and damaged hereditary information & improves nervous, gastrointestinal health. 
Calcium and MagnesiumBone and Dental development
IronHealthy haemoglobin levels and red blood cell count.
Nutrition Value Of Papaya

Let your child enjoy the benefits of this sweet and juicy tropical fruit.

For any doubts, you can get in touch with your doctor. He or she shall be the right person to answer your doubts and concerns! 

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Benefits of Papaya

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