Monsoon Diseases And Prevention

Monsoon Diseases And Prevention

Monsoon season has already approached. The good thing is we have some relief from the heat of Summer. However, with Monsoon comes the season of diseases. Here we list monsoon diseases and their prevention methods.

And this time we are already struggling with the COVID – 19. Monsoon can actually affect you if you don’t take the necessary course of action in your daily lifestyle.

Symptoms from Monsoon related diseases are actually similar to that of COVID – 19 which is Cold and Viral Fever.

Humidity, heavy rainfall, and windstorms actually spread infectious diseases faster than normally.

Heavy rainfalls during monsoon can result in water-logging which gives birth to new mosquitoes easily and can result in an increase in the number of diseases spread by them.

Common places where mosquitoes can breed include open water tanks, air coolers, plants, and all the places water may get collected.

Some common kinds of monsoon related disease include:

Prevention of Cold & Flu

  • The uneven change in the temperature which happens usually more in climate change or monsoons can make our bodies more prone towards different bacteria and viruses.
  • This can result in Cold and Flu.
  • The best way to protect our body from these bacteria and viruses is by improving our immunity by consuming highly nutritious food.
  • Taking food rich in Vitamin C can help build immunity.

Prevention of Dengue

  • It is one of the most common diseases which is spread by mosquito bite of Aides aegypti mosquito.
  • It increases especially during monsoons.
  • Common symptoms to detect dengue includes fever, headache, Rashes.

Prevention of Malaria

  • Malaria and monsoon are directly connected with each other.
  • It is spread by spread by Female Anopheles mosquito.
  • These mosquitoes breed even more in water logging near your neighborhood.
  • Common symptoms are sweating, high fever, body ache.

Prevention of Chikungunya

  • It is a common disease caused by tiger aides Albopictus mosquitoes.
  • Which mostly breed in the waterlogged areas after heavy rains.
  • Common Symptoms are Joint pain, high fever, Anxiety.

Prevention of Cholera

  • It is a water-borne disease caused by strains of bacteria called Vibrio cholera.
  • Which could be by the intake of contaminated water & food.
  • Poor sanitation and lack of good hygiene can also be the reasons for cholera.
  • Common symptoms are rapid heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure.

Prevention of Typhoid

  • It is a fever that can be caused by contaminated water & food by infections of the monsoon- related diseases.
  • Which is caused by bacteria known as Salmonella typhi.
  • Some common symptoms are High fever, Weakness, Vomiting, Stomach Pain, Weakness.  

Tips On Prevention Of Monsoon Diseases

  • Always keep your surroundings clean, especially drain all the places where the mosquitoes can breed.
  • You can use a mosquito net on your beds to avoid any mosquito bites during your sleep.
  • Washing hands before and after meals is always recommended.
  • Avoid eating outside food during monsoons.
  • Always consume water purified by water purifiers.
  • You can also drink boiled water.
  • Store Water and food in closed containers.
  • Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.