Salt And Weight Loss

Salt And Weight Loss

Salt and weight loss have a direct connection. The less salt you eat, the less is your weight. The more salt you eat, the more is your weight.

Did You Know?

You can shed some kilos by just reducing the salt in your diet.

People who have a habit of eating more salt can actually weigh more than those who eat less.

By salt – it is not only the salt you add to your food, but also salt that goes inside your body via pickles, popadum (papad)

Excess salt increases your body’s capability to retain water, which in turn can increase the weight of your body.

Salt And Health

  • Sodium is considered to be the main ingredient in salt.
  • Indian diet includes food items with a lot of salt and spices.
  • Salt is the key ingredient to keep our body fluids balanced, which helps in keeping muscles and nerves well maintained.
  • An increase in sodium levels in your body directly increases the blood pressure of your body.

Salty Food Items To Avoid

Sometimes we don’t even realize that certain food items are adding a lot of salt to our diet. By simply, avoiding these items you can be sure of reducing your salt intake. These are:

  • Sauces or Ketchup
  • Pickles
  • Preserved, Canned or Frozen food
  • Carrot
  • Radish
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Cheese
  • Fast food items like Pizza, Burger, Fries, etc

Food Items Low in Sodium:

  • Banana
  • Pears
  • Broccoli
  • Green Bell Pepper
  • Dry Fruits

Tips To Reduce Salt Intake

  • Add less salt while cooking food.
  • Kids don’t understand the presence of salt in the food you cook. Add minimal salt for them. Inculcate the right habit from the beginning.
  • You can sprinkle a little salt on your food while eating. It is better than adding a lot of salt while cooking.
  • Avoid preserved food.
  • Avoid canned meals.
  • Limit your consumption of Pickles.
  • Avoid salty snacks like wafers, savories, etc
  • Avoid junk from your diet.

In short, we should be cautious about what we eat. All the food items mostly have nutrition figures given on the pack. Always read what you are getting out of that food item.

Avoid items which are more in fats, sugar, and salt.

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