Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water

As per the doctor’s recommendation, it is necessary to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water daily. Here we have listed the benefits of drinking warm water.

Our body comprises 70% of water. It is really essential to drink water for:

  • Avoiding Dehydration
  • Building Energy
  • Fueling the Body
  • For the proper functioning of all the vital organs.

Most people tend to drink cold water which is not wrong at all, water of any temperature can help in the overall wellbeing of a person but drinking warm water provides a range of additional health benefits.

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water:

Ancient medicine strongly believes that drinking warm water especially in the mornings is very beneficial for the human body as it heals the body from within, boosts metabolism, fuels digestive power.

Drinking warm water tightens the intestine and reduces metabolic waste. Some of the important benefits of drinking warm water are:

Flushes Out Toxins

Nothing can be more effective like a glass of warm water to clear toxins out of the body. It makes food easy to digest and also helps to breakdown the food and energies.

Sipping warm water can give relief from:

  • Constipation
  • Acidity
  • Cough and Common Cold

Relieves Constipation

  • Warm water helps in healing chronic constipation.
  • Consuming warm water on an empty stomach in the morning improves bowel movement
  • Helps the body to return to normal functioning. 

Relieves Pain

It is said that warm water will give you instant relief from:

  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Pain during menstruation

The heat generated from warm water is beneficial for:

  • Its healing effect on abdominal muscle
  • Provides instant relief from cramps and spasms.

Stops Premature Aging

  • Drinking warm water slows down the process of aging by repairing skin cells and increasing elasticity.
  • Drink warm water with a lemon as it protects the balance of the body.
  • Drinking this daily will clear your face from acne, rashes, wrinkles, dark spots. 

Reduces Shivering in Cold

  • During winter our body’s natural response to cold conditions is to shiver.
  • Drinking warm water can help you reduce shivering.

Reduces Stress & Anxiety

According to a study, it is said that if you drink less water then it results in reduced feelings of:

  • Calmness
  • Satisfaction
  • Positive Emotion 

It May Help in Achalasia

  • Achalasia is a condition in which the esophagus gets difficulty in moving food down into your stomach.
  • People dealing with this problem also get difficulty in swallowing.
  • Drinking warm water may help you overcome the symptoms of Achalasia.

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