Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome which is also known as digital eye strain is caused by prolonged use of digital screens, television,  using e-readers, and smartphones. All these devices put increased demands on a person’s visual system. People having computer vision syndrome experience eye strain, eye fatigue, headache, blurry vision, gritty eyes, etc. The computer vision syndrome (CVS)  problem is becoming more common during the pandemic. The new normal era in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed various aspects of life. The use of online devices has significantly gone up by almost 75%. 

Causes -:

  1. Prolonged staring at a screen – Staring at a bright, lit screen decreases the blinking rate of your eyes. This causes dry eyes which causes symptoms like redness, soreness, and grittiness.
  2. Prolonged use of digital devices – People who spent 2 or more continuous hours staring at screens every day have maximum chances of getting CVS.  
  3. Work in poor lighting – Working in poor lighting may cause eye strain, eye fatigue, headaches.
  4. Taking insufficient screen breaks – people who continuously stare at the digital screens without taking any break can get CVS.

Symptoms -:

The most common symptoms include – 

  1. Blurred vision – Is the most common symptom associated with CVS. 
  1. Dry eyes – Continuously staring at the digital screen can cause dry eyes.
  1. Double vision – Is caused by putting external pressure on the eye, having an incorrect eyeglass prescription, or extreme fatigue.
  1. Neck or back pain – CVS also includes symptoms like neck and back pain.

Prevention -:

  1. Go anti-glare – You can opt for an anti-glare screen on your laptop, desktop, or anti-glare coating on your spectacles. If it is not feasible in any situation, you can just tweak the lighting in the room so that there is no glare on the screen. Using lower wattage light bulbs, closing blinds, shades can eliminate glare.
  1. The 20-20 rule – The 20-20 rule says every 20 min look away from the screen for 20 seconds, at an object which is 20 feet away.
  1. Keep eyes moist – keep your eyes moist by blinking them on a regular basis. And if your eyes feel dry put in some water droplets. 
  1. Adjust your computer – You should sit at a position from where the computer screen is 20 to28 inches away from your eyes. Sitting too close to a digital screen can increase the risk of eye strain.
  1. Take a break- Neck, back and shoulder pain can be symptoms of CVS. You should take frequent breaks during your work to prevent such pains.

Treatment -:

  1. Using a flat-screen monitor
  1. Blink often
  1. Enlarge the text size of your digital screen
  1. Resting your eyes at least 15 minutes after each 2hours use of computer
  1. Wearing lenses or spectacles 
  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Use lubricating eye drop