Dr. Manish Khanna


Mahavir complex, 36, Cantonment Rd, Ghasyari Mandi, Lalbagh, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001




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Dr Manish Khanna

Dr. Manish Khanna

MS, Orthopaedics

Prof. Khanna an Orthopaedic surgeon, former Sr. Consultant of Sanjay Gandhi postgraduate institute of medical sciences, Lucknow is President Emeritus of Indian Orthopaedic Rheumatology Association, President of Indian Stem Cell Study Group and Former Secretary & Vice President of Indian Foot & Ankle Society. His area of expertise is Ankle, Foot surgeries specially clubfoot, lower limb deformity correction and Orthopaedic Rheumatology.

He has several publications in peer-reviewed journals on his credit & is Nominated member from India in International Clubfoot Study Group. Being Awarded IOS – UK Fellowship 2009 from Kings college Hospital NHS, London and now regularly being invited as Guest Faculty in various National & International Conferences.

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