Phobia is a mental illusion and an anxiety disorder that can make a person really worried. This can affect the life of an Individual resulting in making an individual really worried about any particular fear. How to deal with a phobia is a major concern of every individual who is suffering from it.
It can be developed in anyone irrespective of their age and gender. A normal fear could have a great impact on an individual if it converts into a phobia.
Types of Phobia
There are more than 400 recognized phobias in the world, some of them are as follows:
- Hemophobia: Fear of Blood
- Hydrophobia: Fear of Water
- Aerophobia: Fear for Flying
- Acrophobia: Fear of Heights
- Caligynephobia: Fear of Beautiful Women
- Phobophobia: Fear to develop a Phobia
- Nosophobia: It is a fear of developing a disease.
- Mysophobia also is known as Germophobia: Is a fear from Germs, Contaminations, Dirt & Viruses.
Difference between Fear & Phobia?
Here is how we can differentiate between fear and phobia:
Fear: You will feel scared and you may panic if you see a big dog coming your way, but it does not mean that you are suffering from Dog Phobia knows as Cynophobia. It is just your fear.
Phobia: A person suffering from Cynophobia can do anything to avoid dogs and it can actually consume a lot of their time and effort, like they may spend a lot of time thinking and fearing of dogs. They will possibly do anything they can to avoid dogs, like not walking outside on the roads at night or going to your friends or family who have a dog.
Symptoms of Phobia
- Upset Stomach
- Shaking or Shivering
- Increase in Heart Rate
- Sweating
What causes Phobia?
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid: It is quite possible that it can get transferred from your ancestors which could be found in your DNA.
- Other Factors: It is also possible that you get a phobia from a bad experience like if you got cheated from someone, death in your family or close friend, divorce, and many more.
Treatment of Phobia
Phobia can be treated very successfully; you should try to find help from a medical professional.
A common method is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Method, it is when you are successfully taken to your phobia from time to time and you face it in real life.
In case you have from a dog, you can begin by thinking of a dog, then looking to the dog, then maybe touching a dog, and with time it would be possible that you can have one at your home.
Consult your doctor for the treatment options.
How To Deal With A Phobia?
We would recommend you all, try to be intrepid and make your fear, weakness, or phobia your strongest strength.
Consult a doctor if it affects your lifestyle.